Hey, I know I haven't posted anything in a while but its because I have been busy.. Which is a good thing right...Here is some of the freelance projects I've had the pleasure of working on. Minus the flash animation jobs which I am not sure how to post. But anyway..this one above and the other anatomy looking illlustration are medical illustration for Dr.Gray, (funniest doctor ever)... Have done some pretty cool things and still working on some.

This one and the one that resembles this one are for shirt designs. I got the honor of working on some of these with Wes. We did a whole lot of these.

These two are a couple out of the four which I did for my friend in the UK David. Love doing these. They are illustrations for his story.

And We have white brights....its blue on my screen for some reason right now but maybe it will go back to normal soon...lol...There are a total of like 16 of different ones just like these. Used for a booklet instructing people on how to use the teeth whitening kit. ...Very cool stuff...:) Smile!!!
These and other things have been keeping me busy lately and keeping change in my pocket. Freelance is cool but man I want a JOB!!!!!! lol...Anybody want to collab on some stuff I am down!!!!! Thanks you all